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PF2400UV PondMAX Pressure Filter


  • Maximum Pond Size Without Fish/Shaded: 2,400 Gallons
  • Maximum Pond Size With Fish/Full Sun: 1,200 Gallons
  • Max Flow: 2,400 GPH
  • UV-C: 18 Watts
  • Cable Length: 16 Ft.



PF2400UV PondMAX Pressure Filter

PF2400UV PondMAX Pressure Filter is a filter with a high output ultraviolet clarifier. That provides pond owners with optimum water conditions and boasts crystal clear pond water. The unique design minimizes maintenance and maximizes the efficiency of mechanical and biological filtration. This filter is equipped with a cleaning indicator, to help tell you when the right time to clean is, and backwash functionality. When a pond contains fish or is in full sun, this filter will work in ponds with 1,200 gallons. Without fish, your pond up to 2,400 gallons can have clear water with this filter. With the help of the 18 watt UV clarifier, your pond water will stay clear and beautiful. The max flow for this filter is 2,400 gallons per hour.


  •  Internal Double Action Biological Sponges
  •  Low Maintenance with Cleaning Indicator and Backwash Functionality
  •  Simple Configuration and Easy Installation
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