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PondMAX DetoxMAX+ De-Chlorinator


  • 16 oz. (03PT082)Treats: Up to 3,200 Gallons
  • 32 oz. (03PT083)Treats: Up to 6,400 Gallons



PondMAX DetoxMAX+ De-Chlorinator

PondMAX DetoxMAX+ De-Chlorinator immediately removes chlorine, chloramine, and heavy metals that are present in city water supplies.

Performing regular water changes dilutes toxins present in water gardens which can cause harm to fish. Water changes are advisable after most medication treatments. Also, in the Spring & Fall when cleaning out ponds. Using PondMAX De-Chlorinator will remove chlorine, chloramines, and heavy metals which can burn the gills on fish in too high of a concentration. Dose the pond based on the directions on the bottle.

We do not recommend using it if your pond also has an ionizer as it removes heavy metals from the water.

Additional information

Weight 5 lbs
Dimensions N/A

16oz, 32oz, 64oz