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EC3900U Eco-Clear Pressurized Filter

The EC3900U Eco-Clear Pressurized Filter with 24 watt UV is good for ponds up to 3900 gallons or 1950 gallons with fish. EasyPro Eco-Clear Pressure Filters provide excellent, dual filtration for ponds. Ideal for preformed ponds and small water features that need effective filtration.



EC3900U Eco-Clear Pressurized Filter

The EC3900U Eco-Clear Pressurized Filter with 24 watt UV is good for ponds up to 3900 gallons or 1950 gallons with fish. Note that fish load, feeding rates, amount of sunlight and other factors affect actual maximum gallons that can be filtered.

  • Sturdy filter housings – can be buried up to cleaning ring for easy concealment
  • Dual filtration – filter pads collect solid debris while bio-media provides excellent biological filtration
  • Cleaning indicator – shows when filter needs to be cleaned
  • Optional built-in UV for crystal clear water
  • Backwash valve to extend time between full cleanouts
  • Filters are easy to disassemble and clean, making maintenance a snap!
  • Multi step connectors – inlet/outlet fittings accept a variety of tubing sizes
  • 1 1/2″ adaptor fittings for PVC connections

How it Works

Dirty pond water enters the pressurized filter. Water is pushed through multiple densities of foam filters and cleaned of solid debris. Water is pushed through bio-media that provides excellent biological filtration. Select units have high-intensity UV lights that destroy algae cells, eliminating green water. Cleaned water is returned to your pond.